
Three Cups

Peace Also Takes Courage

It's a ways off (like 6 months from now), but I am so excited.
I just got tickets to see Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea. He will be speaking in October at Alpine Meadows. When I was reading the book last January I could hardly put it down, I was totally engrossed in the adventures, funny at times as well as quite scary in others- His is story, amazing. If you haven't read this book, it is worth it.

It truly is awesome what one person can do when they put their mind to it.


  1. whoa! now that is a strange synchronicity. seconds ago, i finished listening to a podcast (to the best of our knowledge, episode future perfect) and he was featured! i definitely want to pick up that book. i'm taking this as a sign... :D

  2. OH I love that book... have to look and see if he is reading anywhere down here... thanks for the news... xo

  3. I clicked over to the site and read the description of the book...now to head to Amazon and get one! Thanks for the post!

  4. I'm jealous! I understand he is a fantastic speaker. I skimmed over the book for about an hour in the bookstore. I may have to sit down and read it finally.

  5. sounds fantastic, one of my bookclubs is reading this book for may.

    ps. i tagged you for a fun mama meme. xo

  6. You are so lucky...I too LOVED his book. I think it has one of the best messages I have ever heard.


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