
hello snowman

The kids in the 'hood build the best snowmen.
So I thought I would go out and introduce myself.

We are getting hit with snow. no work, now school- it's a sweet little treat for a Monday.
MrO had his 15 month well check today- we braved the roads to take him in this morning. Really I just wanted to get it over with since I knew this was going to be a whopper of a visit. He got his shots- all 7 of them (ouch. I cried a little. He screamed but blew kisses to the nurse afterwards- such a sweet heart.)
He is 21lbs.13oz and 31.5 inches long. The doc was really happy with his development and said he was very chipper for a doc visit. (We counted almost 25+ words besides mama and daddy that he is babbling or signing right now) walking, and crazy fun as ever.

My mom x-country skied over this afternoon from her house and we have been pretty much tucked in for the day...
I feel like soup or something hot for dinner. Off to find something!

Hope you are all safe and warm today.
Be well


  1. Another great shot! A bit of a vintage feel... like it!

  2. really? you have that much snow? wow, i am almost envious. but not really, because by january i will hate all the snow we have and will be praying that spring arrives soon.

    congrats to the little guy and his stellar check-up!

  3. this photo just made my day!

  4. great shot! Isn't the snow crazy? If it wasn't for the fact that life must go on, I would like a few more days of this. I'm glad mr.O got his visit out of the way. I hate shots!

  5. i've always loved the snow and how quiet it gets when the neighborhood is blanketed in white. so calm and peaceful.

    Stay warm and hooray for healthy brave shot getting baby boys!


  6. So sweet. (And sad about those shots! Ouch.) Love the picture.


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