
Rib Rub

We had an amazingly nice weekend, with the weather in the 70s and lots of time in the garden and yard. We got a few tomato plants that are haning out in the kitchen window for now and Daddy-O got a few little things fixed in the yard. We found a big leak with the hose bib that needed to be fixed, but the sprinklers are on and things are defenitly looking green around here.
All this nice weather and time outside got Daddy-O in the mood to do a little bbq (or grilling, if you are from the south since bbq doesn't have the same meaning there as it does here).

cooking chair

Not only did we have tri-tip and yukon gold potatoes done on the grill on Saturday, but some really yummy ribs on Sunday. Daddy put them in the oven for about 6 hrs and then finished them off on the grill for about 1/2hr. The meal was complete with a side of fresh corn on the cob and coleslaw.


Daddy-O got a little help from his "shadow" while prepping the ribs. I love having O help in the kitchen. I am hoping it not only peeks his interest in cooking, but also in assisting him in being a good eatter since he is a part of the preperation process.


I like to think of food in our family is not just sitting down to eat, but usually an entire event (especially on the weekends when we have more time to make it so). I really think when everyone (even the littlest of us) is helping, the food is filled with more love and tastes better as a result.


If the taste of this meal is any indication of that idea and philosophy then we are off to a great start!
Today we are back to snow flurries and wind. Ah, spring you are a fickle friend. I owe you all an update on Deuce-baby since we had our 20wk utlra sound on Monday. (this week has sure been full already!) I will do my best to get the picture scanned tonight so I can post about it tomorrow. Until then, be well!


  1. Yay! Glad you are getting lil' O involved. Kidlet loves to help, but her diet consists of a very limited menu. Oh well. I hope the exposure will at least get her thinking about food other than grilled cheese and broccoli.

    And I'm with you on 'food as event/bonding time'. So important to connect this way...

  2. Please share the recipe!

  3. Nice to see it's grilling weather *somewhere.* I like your "about me" page. We love maps in this family. My husband reads them like books!

  4. we are the same at our casa in regards to preparation and the love of good food. liam has his little ladder that he stands on so he can help mash and stir and measure. or sometimes, he just sits on the counter! hee...

    love how O's hair is standing up...so cute. glad he is feeling better! xo


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