
repetition is the heart of education


That little saying was one I heard many times while in the Geography Dept. at UNR. And isn't it true? the more you do something the better you get at it, the more you hear something the more you remember it, the more you are around someone the more you understand them and learn about them.
I have been thinking about taking a photography refresher class for awhile now, did I want to go up to the University and take a class? or maybe the Community College? These two options didn't really sinc with my schedule being mid-day and semester long commitments. One of the local photography stores has classes, maybe that would work? and when this came out I was trying to figure out just how I could get over the hill to take a class from the lovely Hula...
Over a month ago I had gotten to my prenatal yoga class a little early. On one of the tables in the waiting area there was a University of Nevada Extended Studies brochure. I flipped thru it and came across a "Using your Digital Camera Basics" class. hmmm, I though. Maybe that would be good for me. I thought about it, put it on the back burner, had a baby and then a couple of weeks ago remembered that they class was going to start soon- maybe I SHOULD sign up for it. I emailed the instructor for a bit more information on the class and decided to go for it.

Yesterday, I got up early- for the first time in over a month with an actual place to go, not just a baby to feed or change. I got in the shower, dressed, packed up my gear and headed to the campus. The class was full of basic information about photography, but basics that I needed to hear again. Things like adjusting the shutter speed will cause the aperture to adjust and compensate as well. It's all about painting with light, remember those days of film? And you know that little book that came with your camera, I think it's called the manual, keep it with you, ALL.the.TIME. because there is information in there that can actually help you know how to use your camera. No, really it can help you! (now I just have to find mine....)

Picture 016

We also discussed lenses and what types we should use for what type of photography we are shooting. I finally found out that a prime and a fix lens are the same thing, and that SURPRISE! my 50mm is exactly that. I go back for a second session next Saturday. I am hoping we dive further into the menu of the camera and learn more little tricks on how to use its inner workings of it all.

All this re-learning of my camera is really good. The other thing that I loved hearing again, besides f-stops and shutter speeds was to hear "If you want to take good pictures, you actually have to have your camera with you", "setting aside time once a week or even once a day to take pictures will only enforce your skills". This got me thinking, about people who I admire as artists or as yogi(ni)s. What makes them somebody that I look up to as an artist or as a practitioner? They MAKE time for their skill, there again, it's all about repetition.repetition.repetition. Cultivating time, cultivating creativity, cultivating a practice of one kind or another- giving yourself permission to make that time in your day or week is okay and wonderful. Setting an intention and sticking with it.
bag full
My bag might be full, but it's all about what I make of it (with the bag above I see pies, sauce and a crisp!)


  1. Wow..I think photography class agrees with you. Those apple photos are gorgeous..I really love the perspective and comp of the bottom one. I wish I could go to more on-site photo classes...I didn't appreciate school nearly enough while I was there. I took a local basic photog. class a year ago..it was really helpful, but now I haven't seen anything offered in person that is more advanced :( Have fun at your class!

  2. Anonymous18.10.10

    How great that you took the time for yourself to learn about photography. You take pretty awesome pictures already though!
    xo Kyndale

  3. Oh, those apples. So lovely!

    I'm in a serious photo funk (except for the new phone's 'hipstamatic' app). I think learning some new tricks would be just the thing. :)

  4. That second shot is killer. Like really gorgeous. That should hang in your kitchen!

    I love my 50mm lens. And what a fun refresher course you're taking. Good for you for doing something for you. Sometimes I think it's hard for moms to remember they still need to take time for themselves. I think it helps you not lose yourself.


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