
in the back seat

Last year I started a series called "Back Seat Driver". It all started with this photo.

moving day 

Which got me thinking about the stories our car's tell about us.
What we have in the back seat or on our bumper tells so many things that we might not even realize we are sharing.

 day 4, happy

I feel like each of these photos could be the start of a short story. 

 In the back seat. hotaugustnights-371108

I am always so glad to have a red light and my camera next to me in the passenger seat when one of these opportunities present it self.

 12:366, mustache

I usually get a big smile from what I see in front of me.


  1. oh, i love this series!! i hope this is something you get to capture MORE!

    1. Thanks Keli! I am always on the lookout for something fun, and that red light so I can snap away. :)


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