
28, 29 & 30

Grateful for my giggle twin, @millyj427 i love you. You always make me laugh, make me think, make me be me. You ask the hard question and take the easy answers. You are the best girl- even when the fancy bar asks us to leave and we tackle the smokey-butt-bar down the street. you laugh with me, maybe a little too much. So thankful for friendships that last thru thick and thin and for life.

Grateful for geography. Because of it I have a job .. But more importantly, it's how I met @asimps2012 some 12 years ago. if it wasn't for maps, we might not have met. Grateful for that GIS class that allowed our worlds to collide...

11-30-12: Grateful for gratitude. I started this month out with a huge need to see all the good in my world. And you know what, this little exercise had such a positive impact on me and on achieving/striving towards that (ongoing) goal. There is something to be said about a positive outlook.
Thank you November, thank you.

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