
checking things off the list

into week 33.

lists have been made and items have been checked off.
tomorrow we...
32wk 6days

sign up for day care *gulp*
32wk 6days

see our obgyn
32wk 6days- Arm and Foot and Face

interview a pediatrician
32wk 6days

I am growing and changing more and more every day just like the little life inside of me.
33 weeks
and I could ask for more.
33 weeks, big belly


  1. so close!
    (and so big! hee...don't run into any sharp corners, my dear...lol)

    i cannot wait to "meet" your sweet little love.

    hugs to you and good birthing vibes.

    any day now...

  2. eeks! the littlest noodle will be here soon...settled on names?
    so excited for you :)

  3. I've been keeping up and watching the wonderful metamorphosis. Good to hear from you though. I can't wait to see you again and meet with beautiful little one.
    I'm assuming Lovina is now in Elko?? I'll have to get in touch with her soon.

  4. these photos are incredible! and you really look amazing. i am so excited for you!

  5. Oh my! So that's what you've been up to! Making a baby. :)

    Those ultrasounds are awesome nowadays. Very exciting.

  6. Anonymous4.8.08

    Oh I wish I have those 3D ultrasound.
    It's getting close now!

    Take it easy. :)


say hi...