
9 is divine!

Nine is Divine!

There is one little hand that will wave to say hello or good-bye
There are two teeth that make me laugh when you smile and yelp when you bite
Three solid food meals a day (at least)
(all) Fours that are rendering you mobile, a few movements forward and a few back
Five new places we visited on our holiday weekend- a playa, a dirt road, a mountain pass, a camp ground, and a hot spring.
Six o'clock is about the time you wake up and may or may not go back to sleep in the morning
Seven rolls to get you across the room (to my surprise)
Eight o'clock is about when you fall asleep at night
Nine months the same amount of time out as you were in. What an amazing month this has been.


I love you!



  1. Joni6.6.09

    Beautiful pictures and such beautiful words of love.

  2. super cute and clever tribute to your little guy's first nine months. yep, that first year is amazing (exhausting, but amazing.) :)

  3. beautiful...:)

  4. he is so cute and happy! Congrats on making it to nine months. Every day gets a little easier doesn't it?

  5. Oh my heck! Love the adorable-ness that is oozing from those pictures, and I love the idea of this post. Very creative, and fun.

  6. i was oogling his cuteness on flickr. love that you thought to start this little project.

  7. Could not be any cuter!

  8. what a gorgeous little guy!!


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