
could it be?

Summer might just be making it's way into the Great Basin.
I know much of the country has been sitting in heat,
but we were having snow just a few weeks ago.
Some of the local ski resorts will be open on the 4th of July
and we have had record precipitation this year.
It's been a long winter and at times,
it felt like summer was never going to get here.

There are little signs of it popping up everywhere.
159:365, coals 
The sweet smell of coals warming for the dinner time grilling.
Hands full of rich soil and the sent of tomato plants on your skin.

160:365, summer time
playing until you can play no more at the neighborhood park

161:365, Daddy horse
laughing with the cousins
(well, that happens all year round, but it's especially right now)

Picnik collage 
Frogs and wading pools. 
Kids who only wear sun hats, flip flops and sunscreen all day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so ready for the thaw (although it is freezing in the office in the summer!).


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