

She getting so big, this girl of mine. Much more a toddler than a baby these days. Independent, sassy, rowdy and oh-so silly. She loves to keep up with the big kids and can too. But, every now and then I get to have her all to myself.


No brother, no daddy- just us girls. It's really fun to just watch her be her. I was inspired by Keli (Kidnapped by suburbia) the other day when she followed around each of her girls for 30 minutes or so while the other daughter was sleeping or out of the house.

I had a chance this weekend while O napped and Daddy ran errands, to do the same thing with Fifi. It was really fun to let her loose in the backyard and follow her lead. Thanks for the great idea, Keli.


So what is this girl up to these days? She knows just how to push her brother's buttons and get a reaction out of him, 1-2-3.

Telling me about the airplane she heard flying over head.

She is starting to use her words more and more, things like: car car, NO-dit-do (no thank you), peeeeese (with an entusiastic rub of her chest for please), hat, ball, byyyyyeeee, hyeeee (when the phone rings), maw-ka (milk), dast-da (Shasta, who is grandma and grandpa's dog), Ga-gaw (grandpa, which melts him every.single.time, btw) ba-t (bath). I am sure there are others that I am not thinking of right now. I love this stage when communication is just bursting out of them like a volcano.


She loves to be outside, but doesn't always like her hands to be dirty.

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She eats really well, often better than her big brother. But when she is done, watch out- food is gonna fly. She thinks it's hysterical to chuck pieces of whatever it was we are eating across the room or to the dogs. That or she is spitting it out, which totally grosses me out, but she finds hystrical.

We are still working on sleep, but have found a nice evening routine that helps not just her, but her big brother sleep better at night. They are sharing a room right now, so if one doesn't sleep, the other one doesn't either.

She is up, down and all around as fast as fast can be. She climbs, tries to jump, and takes the curves with ease.
I can't believe she is almost a year and a half. It really does go by faster the second time around.


  1. so sweet!! I'm so glad you did this :) I'm planning on doing it more throughout the year and then print them little photo books or something. It's my little way of making them feel special in the midst of the crazy that is happening in our house. ;) I got your email [thank you!!!] and will respond soon.


    Have a lovely day!


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